32bit processors run faster than 8bit, at which we can expect better performance from the new 32bit ESC’s. Faster input signals with lower latency and higher update rate would be possible, such as Dshot1200 or even faster protocols! (Read about DShot)
The 32-bit platform also allows more functionality and features that simply wasn’t possible on 8bit ESC’s, such as
-Programmable PWM frequency of up to 48KHz
-Auto-timing for higher efficiency and realiability
-Voltage/Current limiting
-Adjustable "Brake on Stop” force
-Improve direction change in Bidirectional mode
-ESC Telemetry
-Configuring from FC using DShot commands
-Note that these features are just ideas from the developer (aka sskaug) at the moment and haven’t all been implemented. Anyway we should discover more about the new possibility as development continues.